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Atypical In-Work Benefit Scheme

Budget Measure 73 (2024). Gain a one-time cash payment of €150, designed for those employees who embraced atypical working hours, reinforcing the value of flexibility and dedication in the workplace.

Scheme Benefits

This unique Atypical In-Work Benefit Scheme celebrates the adaptability of private sector employees who worked shifts on weekends or after 6pm, with gross emolument income not exceeding €25,000 per year. Covering industries like accommodation, food services, manufacturing, transport, storage, and wholesale and retail trade, this scheme only applies to primary employment. It's a nod to the hard work of around 40,000 employees, injecting approximately €6 million into the Maltese economy, acknowledging the extraordinary efforts made during the year. 

The €150 benefit is a tangible acknowledgment of the commitment of workers in key sectors with unconventional hours. It encourages continued participation in pivotal industries, supporting the stability and growth of essential services. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Employee/s should have worked during non-standard hours, including weekends, nights, or on a shift basis. 

  • Employment must have been in one of these sectors: accommodation and food services, administrative and support services, manufacturing, transport and storage, or wholesale and retail trade. Economic Activity determined by the primary NACE code as per VAT records as at the end of the calendar year in question.

  • Employee/s job should have been with a private employer. 

  • Employee/s must have worked for at least six months in 2023. 

  • Employee/s gross emolument income for the year should not have exceeded €25,000. 

  • The job where the employee/s worked atypical hours must have been their primary employment.

  • Employee must be a resident of Malta in the calendar year payment is issued.

  • Worked during

    non-standard hours

  • Employed in

    certain sectors

  • Employed

    with a private employer

  • Employed for

    at least 6 months

  • Income not over

    €25,000 per year

  • Primary employment

    with atypical hours

  • In the calendar year payment is issued employee must be a

    Resident of Malta

Applying for this Scheme

There were 2 rounds of data collection of working patterns from employers one in summer 2024 and one from January to 14th March 2025. Jobsplus will be liaising with stakeholders regarding income eligibility and any payments will be made at the end of May 2025.

Need more details?

For more information contact

Freephone 153
[email protected]

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