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How can I download my Employment History?

  • How can I download my Employment History?

    To download your employment history, view this video guide.

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  • I am logged in but cannot find my Employment History.

    Once logged in, check if you're on the Jobseekers' Dashboard. Look for the 'Jobseekers View' button on the left sidebar. If it's there, click it to switch to the Jobseeker's Dashboard. On this dashboard, locate the CV Builder panel. At the bottom of this panel, you'll find an option to download your Employment History document.

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  • My Employment History does not match.

    Employment histories are based on forms received from employers. If there's a discrepancy, first verify with your employer that the correct employment forms were submitted. If they were, please contact our Employment Records section at [email protected] with details about the specific employment form in question.

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