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I am actively seeking employment opportunities. How can you support me in finding a suitable job?

  • I am actively seeking employment opportunities. How can you support me in finding a suitable job?

    If you're actively seeking employment, Jobsplus offers a comprehensive range of services to support your job search. Consider exploring the Jobsplus website and Guidance Services, as they offer valuable resources for job seekers like yourself. 

    1. Sign-up and Create a Profile on the Jobsplus Website: Register on our website to access various tools, including job vacancy searches and guidance services. Sign-up here.
    2. Register with Jobsplus: If you are actively seeking employment, it is advisable to register for work with Jobsplus. You can find more information and guidance here.
    3. Visit Jobsplus Job Centres: Visit our Job Centres in Malta and Gozo for tailored help, updates on job listings, and more. Find your nearest centre.
    4. Explore EURES Services: If you're interested in job opportunities in other European countries, Jobsplus provides assistance through its EURES services.
    5. Contact the Advisory Unit: For additional support, feel free to reach out to the Advisory Unit using the contact form.

     To enhance your employability further, be sure to check out our Courses, Schemes, and other Initiatives. Best of luck in your job search journey!

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