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The Jobsplus User

  • The Jobsplus User Account

    To access Jobsplus services as a jobseeker or employer, you need a user account. If you already have an active e-ID, you can instantly access your profile without needing to register again.

    For Both Jobseekers and Employers: The initial step for using the Jobsplus system, whether as a jobseeker or employer, is to become a registered user.

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  • How can I login to the Jobsplus portal?

    Below is a guide on how to log into the Jobsplus Portal:

    1. I am a Maltese National
    • You can sign-in to the portal using your e-ID only. For queries regarding e-ID, call 25904300 or email  [email protected].
    1. I am an EU National
    • If you are an EU National in possession of a Maltese Residence Card you sign-in to the portal using your e-ID only.
    • For queries regarding e-ID, call on 25904300 or email  [email protected].
    • If you are not in possession of a Maltese Residence Card, you can self-register by clicking on Sign-up Now and thereafter access Jobsplus services.
    • In the event that you already access Jobsplus services via a Username and Password, you will be transitioned by being guided to go through a one-time self-registration process.
    1. I am a Non-EU National (TCN) living in Malta
    • If you are living in Malta and in possession of a Maltese Residence card you can sign-in to the portal using your e-Id only.
    • For queries regarding e-ID, call on 25904300 or email  [email protected].
    1. I am a Non-EU National (TCN) not living in Malta.
    • Kindly note that certain internal/logged-in parts of the Jobsplus portal are only available to individuals who meet one of the following criteria: a) have a European dual nationality; b) have Freedom of Movement status; c) have an Active Single Permit employment license.

    If you are following the above guide and have issues connecting, please try to log out and in again. Please click on the Jobseekers menu tab (whilst logged in) and this should prompt a confirmation of your personal details. Once these are confirmed you should be able to use the website normally.

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    1. I am a Non-EU National and would like to access the Jobsplus online portal.

      Kindly note that access to certain parts of the Jobsplus portal is restricted to Maltese residents, EU nationals, and Non-EU individuals who meet specific criteria:

      • Have a European dual nationality;
      • Have Freedom of Movement status;
      • Have an Active Single Permit employment license.

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