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How to use the Jobseeker Dashboard?

  • How to use the Jobseeker Dashboard?

    The online job matching engine at Jobsplus is designed to help jobseekers find active vacancies that align with their profile. Once your user account is authenticated by Jobsplus, you can search for jobs through this system. The term "jobseeker" here includes anyone looking for a job, whether they're registered with Jobsplus, non-registrants, or currently employed individuals seeking new or additional employment opportunities..

    Each Jobseeker has access to a customisable dashboard with displays:

    1. A CV builder module;
    2. Quantity of available vacancies that are matched according to the CV profile created by the user;
    3. The vacancy with the best match;
    4. The status of job applications made by the jobseeker;
    5. A message box;
    6. The option to submit your own engagement form in case of self-employment.

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