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I am a full-time student studying in Malta. In winter I am busy studying but in summer I wish to work. How can you help me?

  • I am a full-time student studying in Malta. In winter I am busy studying but in summer I wish to work. How can you help me?

    For students keen on working over the summer, Jobsplus offers a great platform to gain valuable work experience. If you're studying full-time and want to work in the summer, you can register online through your Jobsplus website profile. It's important to remember to renew your registration every three months by emailing [email protected].

    University students who have completed their final exams during the scholastic year and present their examination schedule will be eligible to register on Part 1 upon signing a declaration and present proof from the stipends’ office that any stipends and grants have been cancelled. This also applies to university students who resign from their course.

    For detailed guidance on the registration process, please consult our How to Register or watch our instructional videos available in Maltese and English.

    If you lack internet access but still wish to register for work, you can conveniently book an appointment to visit one of our offices.

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