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I cannot update my CV builder

  • I cannot update my CV builder

    To update your CV in the CV Builder, click on ‘Desired Occupations and Acquired Competencies’. There, you'll find a green button labelled ‘Launch the Competency Manager’. This leads to a page where you can update your desired occupations on the left and acquired competencies on the right. Use the white search field at the top of both panels to find keywords. In 'Occupations', add the duration of each role.

    Under Occupations you just specify the number of months associated with each occupation. Under Competencies there are two columns. The one on the left lists potential competencies. The one on the right lists your competencies. As you type a keyword – available options will make themselves clear. Clicking one of these options will place that competency on the ‘potential competencies’ column. Clicking that moves it to the right column. Press the save button to save changes.

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