Attention: Kindly note that Jobsplus offices and Job Centres will be closed on the 20th, 25th and 26th of December. Also the Qawra Job Centre will be closed to the public until 3rd January 2025 due to refurbishment works. Other Job Centres open as normal. Thank you for your attention.

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What happens if I am unwell and unable to attend an appointment with the Employment Advisor or any other activation measures such as training and schemes?

  • What happens if I am unwell and unable to attend an appointment with the Employment Advisor or any other activation measures such as training and schemes?

    When you're registered for work, it's expected that you're actively seeking employment. During this period, we at Jobsplus will support you in finding suitable job opportunities. You'll periodically be asked to attend various activation measures like interviews, meetings, and training sessions. It's important to actively engage in these measures, including accepting job offers, participating in training, and meeting agreed quotas. Failure to do so may indicate a lack of interest in employment, leading to the removal of your name from the unemployment register.

    Missing Appointments: If you're unable to attend a scheduled appointment with your Employment Advisor, inform them by 09:00 hrs on the appointment day. In cases of non-compliance, you'll be required to visit our Hal Far offices to complete a Justification Form, providing relevant evidence for your absence within a specified timeframe.

    Sickness: If you're unable to attend due to illness, attach a medical certificate as evidence. Constant communication is key. If your sickness extends beyond a week, inform the Registration Unit on 22201252-5. Remember, medical certificates should be issued every fortnight, as the Blue medical certificate covers a 14-day period.

    Regular Communication: Attend all appointments you're notified of through various means like mail, emails, and your website account. Regularly check these communication channels, especially if there are changes in your registration status (e.g., moving from part 1 to part 2 of the register).

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