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The Jobsplus Portal

  • I am an employer and want to manage my business on the Jobsplus website

    To manage your organisation's affairs on the Jobsplus website, here is a structured guide:

    Please login using your e-ID. If you are an EU national living abroad, you may use the Sign-up now function.

    Accessing the Dashboard: Once vetted, you can access your dashboard. There are separate dashboards for individuals and employers. Switch between them using the sidebar.

    Managing Your Organisation: If you're logging in for the first time as an employer, you can request to manage your organisation by searching its name and submitting a request.  When switching to the employers’ dashboard you will be shown what organisations you currently manage and will note a button below to search for companies (not already on your list). You may search for the organisation by name and when you find it you have the option to ‘request to manage’ – which reveals more information and allows you to confirm your request to manage the organisation. If search yields no result for your company, you have the option to create the company profile.

    Approval Process: The next step will be to get it vetted. Inform a super administrator in your organisation about your application for quicker access. They should then be able to visit the ‘Manage Details’ section of their Employer’s dashboard and approve your request. There might be a slight delay between approval and being granted access. If there is no other individual managing the organisation as a super administrator then the following applies. If you are a director of the organisation or the business owner the requests will be approved by Jobsplus staff.

    If you are not a director/business owner then need to fill in a Super Administrator Access Delegation Form

    Final Steps: After approval, you'll gain access to manage your organisation's details and utilise Jobsplus' online features for employers.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: When delegating authority to an authorised user, they will have access to your company's employee details and can send engagement and termination forms to Jobsplus, as well as use recruitment services. It is the company's responsibility to inform Jobsplus' Recruitment Services Unit at [email protected] if you wish to revoke this access. A company super administrator can remove access to users at any time. This step ensures the security and privacy of your company's information.

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  • How to use the Employers Dashboard

    Using the Employers Dashboard on Jobsplus is streamlined for efficiency. Once authenticated, employers can manage employee records, monitor vacancies, and associated users. The dashboard, designed to adapt to different devices, includes several key sections:

    1. My Companies:

    Shows the number of organisations you can administer. A green head icon indicates Super Administrator status. The user is also able to “Create a New Company” by clicking on the said button, whereby a new window is displayed for the user to input all the required details. Once the “Save” button is clicked, the information is submitted to Jobsplus for vetting and authentication. Three dots near the organisation’s name indicate that the submission is still pending whilst a ‘tick’ indicates activation.

    Check the Help Guide on Adding a New Company here.

    1. Company Details:

    This section of the dashboard allows employers to manage their organisation's information profile. It displays basic details about the company, and by selecting the "Manage Details" button, employers can modify certain aspects of their organisation's profile. After making necessary changes, clicking the "Save" button updates the information. To modify Company Users, see process described in the Company Users section below.

    1. Company Employees:

    This section is crucial for managing your employees' records. It displays current active employees and allows for the submission of engagement and termination forms. By pressing the “Manage Employment” button, the user is directed to a window whereby one can start managing employees through the submission of engagement and termination forms.

    The first tile in this window provides information to the user on the number of active employees. The user is able to check on the status of employees by checking the details associated with each employee.

    3.1 Provisional Termination: A symbol (Ø) next to an employee indicates provisional termination, suggesting they have moved to another employer. You can issue a termination form based on the suggested date. This occurs in instances whereby an employee is no longer employed with the said organisation (no termination form was submitted) and is engaged with another employer.

    3.2 Terminating Employees: If one needs to terminate any employee, the user simply selects the icon “X” available in the employee’s information box and an online termination form is displayed for the user to provide basic information relating to:

    • the termination date,
    • notice money period date,
    • reason for termination and
    • designation information.

    3.3 Adding Employees:  If a new individual is engaged with the organisation, the user simply presses the “Add Employee” button (available in the ‘Company Employees’ tile). The user is requested to search for the employee by providing the identification number and date of birth, so as to populate the information with available information at Jobsplus. If this information is not available, the user is prompted with an online engagement form whereby one is required to provide all the necessary engagement details.

    3.4 Employee List:  If you need to see all of your employees, you have access to a list that can be downloaded by clicking the arrow-in-tray icon available at the top right corner of the Company Employees tile. This list of employees is not an official list since it does not bear any Jobsplus headers or logos. It is simply made available for the user’s information.

    3.5 Vetting Employments:  Once engagement and termination forms are submitted online, these are displayed in another tile called “Vetting Employments”.

    Here, the user can view the status of submitted forms, whether approved, pending, or rejected. Acknowledgments for each form submitted and/or vetted can be downloaded by selecting the arrow-in-tray icon .

    3.6 Employment Licences: The Employment Licences tile available in this window indicates all employment licences the employer has requested from Jobsplus from time to time. This tile provides information on all persons for whom an employment licence was requested together with other information relating to:

    • the licence status;
    • basic information on the licence;
    • as well as information of how many stakeholders (if any) have been/were involved before the licence was/is issued.

    Check a Help Guide on Management of Employees here.

    1. Company Vacancies:

    This section on the dashboard offers a comprehensive list of all vacancies posted by the organisation, detailing both active and inactive positions. It effectively categorises the vacancies based on their current status, which can be:

    • Active: Vacancies currently open and available for applicants.
    • Pending Vetting: Those awaiting review and approval by Jobsplus for publication.
    • Expired: Positions that are no longer available or have passed their application deadline.

    4.1 The Job Matching Engine

    This feature includes the 'Create A New Vacancy' button, allowing employers to generate ad-hoc vacancies and engage the job matching engine. It provides instant matches based on the criteria set for the vacancy.

    The 'Find a Candidate' function lets employers input criteria across six sections in the vacancy creation module. This system uses a matching weighting system, scoring the alignment between the vacancy's requirements and the jobseeker’s CV profile, facilitating a more efficient candidate selection process.

    4.2 Find a Candidate

    Employers have six different sections (discussed below) that they can choose from to complete and build a full vacancy profile. However to be able to ‘View Candidates’ matched, one needs to complete the first three sections, namely: the General Information, Occupations and Competencies.

    Whenever a criterion is inputted in any of the following sections, the Match- meter instantly matches the criterion with candidates’ CV profile and indicates the number of candidates matched so far.

    The following are the sections for creating a vacancy profile:

    • General Information

    This section deals specifically with the Job Nature, Job Type and Job Schedule that the prospective candidate will need to operate in.

    • Occupations

    Here, employers detail the specific job roles needed, along with the desired experience levels. It's vital to list competencies for each job, selecting at least two per role. Marking key competencies as mandatory helps filter out unsuitable candidates, ensuring only those with essential skills are considered.

    • Competencies

    This segment allows adding and categorising competencies, impacting how candidates are filtered. By marking competencies as mandatory or optional, employers can control the strictness of their candidate criteria. This flexibility is key for finding the right match. The user can add as much competencies as required and indicate whether or not the competency is mandatory for the job sought for by simply toggling the On-Off switch.

    If competencies have already been selected, one can simply press the non-mandatory ‘X’ sign to mandatory (green tick) by clicking on the ‘X’ sign. One must remember that if a competency is marked as mandatory, candidates not possessing such a competency will be filtered out from the match results. Conversely, if all are kept as non-mandatory (i.e. a nice-to-have option), candidates having such competencies will be scored depending on the number of competencies they possess.

    • Driving Licences

    This section allows the employer to access a list of available driving 4 licenses. One can search and select the required licence(s) depending on the job vacancy requirements.

    • Job Skills

    This section offers a variety of generic skills spanning three lists – Basic, Job, and Personal skills. These are not tied to specific job roles but are broadly applicable and often sought after in many positions.

    • Education and Language Profiles

    The "Education and Language Profiles" section allows employers to specify educational and language requirements for job vacancies. Employers can choose from three educational levels: These three levels are not mutually exclusive thus the employer can select any one of them to determine the education level required for the vacant position. These include:

    (a) ISCED Level: A general threshold for educational attainment, with options for higher or lower than a specified level. By default the “OR LOWER” is selected.

    (b) Type of Qualification - here the employer can specify the qualification level required (ranging from Knowledgeable to Graduate) and the quantity of certifications required at such level (such as: any 5 ‘O’ Levels) ; and/or

    (c) Qualifications – this is the most detailed level an employer can go to whereby s/he can select the specific qualification by name. The employer has the option here to select whether to search by:

    (i) Academic Area of Study – This refers to the overarching category of academic study such as: Art & Design | Building & Construction | Hospitality, Food & Beverages | Languages

    (ii)  Area of Specialisation – This refers to particular areas of specialisation and relevant key words such as: Fashion; Design; Dressmaking | Installations; Electrical; Building; Structures | Hospitality; Management; Tourism | Philology; Languages; History

    (iii)  Educational Qualification - This refers to the actual subject qualification obtained such as: Diploma Dressmaking & Design | Diploma in Electrical Installations (Building and Structures) | B.A. (Hons) in Hospitality Management | Bachelor of Philology

    The latter three levels (in radio buttons) are mutually exclusive.

    In the profile's language section, employers specify the required language proficiency for a vacancy. They can rate candidates' proficiency in reading, speaking, understanding, and writing across four levels: None, Low, Good, or Excellent for each of the language criteria: Reading; Speaking; Understanding; and Writing.

    Employers can include multiple languages as per job needs. If proficiency in more than one language is required, separate profiles should be created.

    Educational levels selected as well as Language proficiency selected in one Profile will be deemed as one package of criteria. Alternatively, employers are able to create additional profiles by selecting the ‘+’ sign. Candidates matching ANY of the profiles created but employer will be selected.

    Check a help guide about adding a new vacancy here.

    4.3 Matched Candidates

    After you've finished setting up your job posting and adjusted the settings to narrow down the candidates (you can see how many candidates match your criteria on the Match-meter), you can click on “View Candidates” to see who fits your job.

    When you click “View Candidates,” you'll see candidates whose resumes match at least 50% of what you're looking for. For each candidate, you'll get a quick summary that includes:

    • How well they match with your job (in percentage),
    • Their highest academic qualification,
    • A picture or avatar of the candidate.

    After this, you can dive deeper into each candidate’s details. This includes their full resume and a special "Gap Analysis" that shows how their skills and experience compare to your job requirements.

    If you want more info about a candidate, just click “Read More.” This lets you see their complete online CV and a detailed Gap Analysis.

    Need to change your job criteria? No problem. Just click the ‘Back to Vacancy’ arrow to go back and tweak things.

    Found a candidate you like? Great! Click the green ‘Contact’ button to send them a personalised message and possibly invite them for an interview. You can keep track of all your messages with candidates right in your dashboard.

    4.4 Publishing a Vacancy

    If you've completed your job profile but haven't found enough candidates (or any at all), you have the option to publish your job. Even though all your job details are saved, you'll need to add a bit more information before publishing. Once you submit everything, Jobsplus will review it and then post your job.

    1. Company Users:

    This part of your dashboard shows how many users are managing your company's profile. If you need to remove a user, and you have Super Administrator rights, just go to the ‘Company Details’ section and click ‘Manage Details.’ Then, under ‘Associated Users,’ find the user you want to remove and click the “X” button at the end of their information.

    1. Quick Overview Tiles:

    Your dashboard also has three summary tiles that quickly show you the number of:

    • Active job postings,
    • Active employees,
    • Users associated with your company.

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  • How can I advertise a job vacancy?

    To advertise a job vacancy, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your business profile

      • Once logged in, click on the "Create Vacancy" button.
    2. Enter the vacancy details

      • Provide key information about the role, including the required skills, languages, experience, and other relevant criteria.
      • Based on this information, a list of matched candidates will be generated for your review. You can reach out to them directly.
    3. Publish the vacancy

      • Add additional details such as the job title, salary, and other necessary information.
      • Once submitted, the vacancy will be vetted and published by Jobsplus.
    4. Matching process and candidate submissions

      • Within 48 hours, the vacancy will be matched with potential candidates in the Jobsplus database.
      • You will receive either a list of matched candidates or a notification stating no matches were found.
      • Candidates who match will be invited to send their CVs directly to you via email, and you will receive their contact details.
    5. Check for applications in your Employer Account

      • You will also receive applications via the Jobsplus website. Ensure to regularly check your account for any updates as these will feature here.
    6. Your vacancy duration

      • The vacancy remains open for one month unless you specify otherwise.
    7. Employer feedback

      • After the vacancy expires, Jobsplus will request feedback on the process and outcome.

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  • What is the Jobsplus’ Job Matching Engine?

    The job matching system will enable jobseekers to match with active vacancies based on their profile and will assist employers to match jobseekers with the vacancy criteria they have designed instantly – it is practically a virtual labour market.

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  • What can I do from the Settings Menu in the Logged-in area?

    In the Settings menu, accessible by clicking the User's Icon at the top right corner of the website, you have several options:

    • Jobseeker Status Toggle: Change your job-seeking status from active to inactive by using the "I am actively looking for a Job" switch. When set to "OFF", you're considered an inactive jobseeker. This is useful for maintaining an updated profile without actively seeking employment or making your profile visible to employers.
    • Email Notifications and Automailers: Decide if you want to receive email notifications or automailers from Jobsplus. This can be managed via an On-Off switch.
    • Employer Account Holders: If you have an employer account, it's recommended to keep the jobseeker status switch "OFF" to ensure your personal jobseeker profile remains hidden.

    Remember always to Save Settings.

    From the Settings menu, one can also modify other things related to the user account such as:

    • Change password
    • Change Dashboard theme

    The Profile picture shown in the settings menu can be modified from the CV Builder section under the Personal Information section.

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